Vegan Caliente

two vegans, one kitchen

Portobello Burger April 24, 2009

Filed under: Food Talk,Reviews — Kala @ 1:05 pm


This isn’t the prettiest picture ever, but it’s all I could manage this afternoon!  This is my breakfast, leftovers from last night’s portobello burgers, and it’s great!  The recipe is from Jae Steele’s book Get It Ripe which Shane and I scored this week at Half Price Books for only $8, muah ha ha.  We let the leftover mushroom caps sit overnight in the marinade and I think I might like them even better on the second day.

One more thing, I’m writing on the Veganetsy Team blog every Friday now so check out my first post and show it some love, it’s full of owl-tastic goodness 🙂



Spicy Tahini Stew April 22, 2009

Filed under: Food Talk,Reviews — Kala @ 6:35 pm


Isn’t it pretty?  And it tastes just as good as it looks!  This was our dinner for tonight, the Spicy Tahini Stew from the Swell zine.  I ordered this cute little zine recently and just had to make the stew, it has all of my favorite ingredients:  chickpeas, tahini, tons of veggies… and the recipe did not disappoint, it was super easy to make and was really delicious.  The only mod I made was that I added garlic, but then I add garlic to pretty much everything savory. 


If you haven’t bought yourself a copy of Swell yet, you’re really missing out, it’s got a bunch of really tasty looking recipes and it’s only $3! 



Vegan goodness that is not on a plate! April 18, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — veganshane @ 5:52 pm


Well it was sneaker day today.  My previous sneakers, an old beat up pair of Vans have needed replacing for a while, they have been disintegrating for a couple of months now.   After a good bit of searching, I opted for the  “ecos” shoe by Simple, and I even purchased them from the local vegan boutique Fast and Furless.

Its a total hippie shoe, organic hemp upper, organic cotton lining, recycled tires  for the soles  and laces made from recycled soda bottles. Happily with all of that, they are also very comfy and feel sturdy enough to handle the abuse I usually give my sneakers.

–Shane    Photos by Kala



Mint Galactica April 11, 2009

Filed under: Reviews — Kala @ 11:57 am


Mmmmmm, minty!  Mint chocolate chip might just be my favorite ice cream flavor so I was very excited when I saw this new item at Whole Foods.  As I’ve whined about before, I can’t have most vegan ice creams because they have traces of dairy (I can only have Tofutti, Oatscream, and Temptation) so I’m always happy to see something that’s both vegan and lactose-intolerance friendly.  This pint of awesome is the Mint Galactica flavor from Luna and Larry’s Coconut Bliss and its organic, vegan, and made with certified fair trade ingredients, you can’t get much better than that!  Oh and it’s soooo yummy, and ever so creamy!  We’ve also tried the hazelnut flavor but that didn’t last long enough to take a picture 🙂


