Vegan Caliente

two vegans, one kitchen

Holiday Eats!!! December 9, 2010

Filed under: Food Talk,Reviews — veganshane @ 10:25 am

So, the holidays are on us once again, and with them comes the required amount of feasting, and festiveness.  This brings up the question of what to eat. There are a growing list of options from Tofurkey, to Field Roast and the UnTurkey

This past Thanksgiving we tried a newest product to enter the holiday roast market the Gardein Savory Stuffed Turk’y a seasonal product that is available for the holidays at Whole Foods and other natural foods retailers.

The package comes with two stuffed Turk’y “breasts,”  and Turk’y gravy. The Turk’y had a good flavor and texture, it was lightly breaded and well seasoned with out being overly salty.  The stuffing was nice but not quite as good as homemade.

The one real issue Kala and I had was the gravy, it tasted a bit too much like real turkey and was a little on the sour side. It was not my favorite part of the meal, we were happy we had some Hain brown gravy to replace it with.

On the whole it was a mixed experience.  I think we would get the product again, but discard the gravy straight away.  So if you are listening Mr Ronnen, here is what we would really like in a holiday product, something we can stuff with our own stuffing.  We love every thing we have tried thus far from Gardein, but a stuff-able breast would make the ideal holiday vegan meal, at least for those of us who would like to have a bit more hands on in our holiday meal.


Photo by Kala


2 Responses to “Holiday Eats!!!”

  1. Megan Says:

    Have you guys tried Robin Robertson’s wheat meat roast? You can stuff it with whatever you want, then wrap in puff pastry and bake! It’s very easy and you can make it the way you want.

  2. Gauri Radha गौरी राधा Says:

    Looks quite good.

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